Saturday, July 03, 2004

Like their father or their dog just died

This evening I thought my dog was going to die. I walked outside and there was Rocket, paralyzed and foaming at the mouth. Until that moment, I had no idea how much I cared for him. I started crying uncontrollably as I called my stepmom and my father repeatedly, only to get answering machines. What do you do when your dog looks like he's going to die? You don't call 911 and you don't leave him alone. I called my grandmother and she told me I had to get the vet immediately. I ran inside the house, found the vet's number, and called but the woman on the phone told me the vet had gone home for the day; I would have to bring him to Rockville. Rockville is at least 20 minutes from my house and I really thought Rocket would be dead by that time. The woman sensed my panic and realized something was very wrong. She asked me if I could pick Rocket up to bring him to the vet but I couldn't. Then she started asking me where I lived and said she was on her way, that the vet hadn't actually left the office yet. Five minutes later, she was carrying Rocket to her car. Fifteen minutes later, Rocket was back to normal.

So what happened? I still don't know. My stepmom got stung multiple times two days ago when she came across a beehive under our back steps; she has had a horrible reaction to the stings on her legs. Perhaps my dog was stung. Yesterday, a man came to get rid of the beehive and threw the beehive, along with its contents, into our backyard. When my stepmom complained, the man ran down to retrieve the beehive and threw it over our fence. Perhaps my dog was poisoned by whatever remained in our yard. Of course, if he was poisoned he probably wouldn't have recovered as quickly as he did. What did the vet say? Perhaps it was a seizure. She said that it is not uncommon for dogs at Rocket's age to start having seizures and that I might have caught him in a state of shock after the seizure was over.

All I really know is that was one of the scariest things I've ever witnessed. I guess that makes me lucky.
