Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Office space

Several weeks ago the regional director at my school told me that I was going to get my own office. I was pleased but I wasn't going to count my chickens, if you know what I mean. After all, at my school lots of great ideas are spoken but few come to fruition. Additionally, I'm the newest permanent member of the administrative team so it's a pretty big leap for me to go to a room of my own while several higher up people share offices.

There were two weeks when I was in office limbo. I had a temp sitting at the front desk (my usual spot) and I was left to my own devices. I selected the corner of a room that will soon become a conference room but currently most closely resembles a junk pile. My environment was a perfect breeding ground for my own junk pile so I was going crazier and crazier with each passing day. I'm not a total neat freak or anything but the room was a mess. Everyone who walked in felt the need to comment on the chaos.

Then yesterday, an incredible thing happened. The company computer guy came to our school and moved my computer into *gasp* my new office. Yay! Finally! It's a bit of a disaster right now but I think it's gonna be great. No more sitting at the front desk for 8 hours a day answering phones and greeting guests. No more sitting in the middle of a badly organized storage room. I'm moving on up. I'm getting giddy just writing this.
