Monday, June 07, 2004

Ticket crazy

I have gone ticket crazy. All I want to do is buy plane tickets. I don't know what has gotten into me. I've already purchased tickets to go to Providence next weekend and Boston in September. I'm still looking into tickets to San Francisco, Chicago, and Mexico City. Like I said, ticket crazy.

Of course, there is a reason for all of this. When I was looking for a reward for my Mind and Body Project (see 4/14/04 post), Lana suggested I set aside $50 for each week that I completed successfully. That $50 would go towards travel since travel is such a motivator for me. Well, after seven weeks, the body project is still going strong and I have yet to mess up.

Here's what I have to do in order to get my 50 bucks. Each week, I go to the gym or do some sort of workout three times. Additionally, I do pilates at least once. I also meditate for several minutes each day. In my first week, I meditated 3 minutes a day; starting tomorrow I will be up to 10 minutes per day. Lastly, I keep track of my food intake, sleep patterns, vitamin intake, moods, meditation, and exercise in a notebook. I have already seen a big difference in my energy level and my body. I am looking buff and I seem to be happier. Now let's see how long I can keep it up.
