Saturday, May 29, 2004


Yesterday, I saw a guy who I could actually be interested in. I haven't had this feeling in almost a year. He's a waiter at a Bethesda Mexican restaurant/bar and he might be a bad boy (The prominent zigzagging scar on his forearm clued me in.). We only said a few words to each other, but a lot of smiling happened over my three hour Happy Hour visit. Of course, I think he's quite attractive so that kind of flirting might be a regular weekend event for him.

Oddly enough, I think yesterday was also the one year anniversary of my first kiss with Luis. Luis is the semi-bad, very well-read Mexican boy I'm trying so so hard to forget. I met him when he was a waiter at a Guanajuato, Mexico restaurant/bar.

Who knew I had a thing for latino bad boy waiters??? Oh wait! I did. Now if I could just find that latino bad boy waiter who's also a med student, my life would be perfect.
