Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Reality TV

It's kind of scary how much I connected with tonight's episode of One Tree Hill. If, after reading this entry, you're curious enough to want to watch it, the WB will replay it on Sunday afternoon.

One of the final scenes went something like this:

(Cure's "Apart" is playing in the background. "How did we get this far apart?/ We used to be so close together/ How did we get this far apart?/ I thought this love would last for ever...")
Girl 1: Wanna call a truce?
Girl 2: Friends again?
Girl 1: Just not enemies anymore.
("Apart" continues and there's more dialogue but it's meaningless to me.)
Girl 2: You think it's possible you and me will ever get back to the way we were?
Girl 1: It doesn't feel like it sometimes.
Girl 2: Yeah.
Girl 1: I'm so tired.
Girl 2: Me too.

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Monday, April 26, 2004

Breaking the silence

Due to some nasty viruses, I was hardly using my computer last week. Now all is well and I am back. All is well except me. I am sick. Just a cold, though. Nothing that would prevent me from marching for women's rights yesterday and certainly nothing that would make me take a day off. Still, I think I'll make myself some tea, get in some comfy pajamas, and watch a movie.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004


My birthday evening has gone quite well. My parents gave me a gym bag, a shopping trip to Lucky, and a diamond ring. The ring actually has three small diamonds because I have to get used to the fact that diamonds are my birthstone. I used to have this fear that some guy was going to spend loads of money on a diamond ring for me when I would much rather receive an expensive stereo. I've just gotten over the fear in the past few years. For all I know, I'll be dreaming of diamonds by my thirtieth birthday.

The silliest gift I got today is actually the one I was wishing for. I just got my 4,200th hit on my website and I wanted to get that hit today since my birthday is 4/20. Oddly enough, that 4,200th hit was from someone who clicked on my link on analog life. Members of analog life take great pleasure in teasing me so I will take great pleasure in knowing my 4,200th hit came from their website.


Tuesday, April 20, 2004


What is it about birthdays that makes me feel so weird? No one at work remembered it was my birthday so life went on like it was any other day, but I felt like I was lying or something. Maybe lying isn't the right word. It was more like I wasn't telling the whole truth. Now that I'm home I still feel funny. I'll be glad when today is over. Tick tock tick tock.

Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
~from "What's Up" by 4 Non Blondes



It's my birthday. Show me some love. And if you think that love is telling me that today is also Hitler's birthday, think again.

P.S. Sally, if you weren't sure if that Hitler comment was aimed towards you, you can rest easy tonight. After all, you only traumatized me slightly when you told me the above fun fact and then called my teddy bear a Nazi.


Exciting new features!!!

I've always wanted a music forum where people can write about anything music related. Sadly I don't know enough about computers to create a forum so I have gone about making a "forum" in my own way. What I have done is placed a comments section at the bottom of my menu bar underneath all of the album covers. If you write about an album that is listed in my "Currently listening to" section, please name it as this section changes frequently. Thank you!

I could get really carried away with this forum idea. Next maybe I'll create a "Currently reading" section so that I can have a book forum. Of course, I can't start that until I'm actually reading a quality book. I'm slightly embarrassed by my latest selection so I'm either going to have to get over my embarrassment or wait a month.


My new bed

Today it hit 90 degrees in DC and I just found out that the air conditioning in my house is broken. My new bed might be the basement floor. Maybe it'll be like the hurricane last fall and my whole family will sleep in the basement together. Slumber party!


Monday, April 19, 2004


Where did spring go? DC weather went from cold and rainy to mid-80s, and that's just not fair. Spring, and by spring I mean 70-75 degree days with light breezes, is my favorite season and I want it back. DC weather sucks with the exception of a few weeks in April/May and a few more in October/November. If DC wants people to continue living in the area then it better do something fast!

In totally unrelated news, tomorrow begins my mind and body project. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.


Sunday, April 18, 2004

Musical madness!!!

What on Earth is going on here?

First I find out that Vanilla Ice performed last night at Gallaudet, a school for the hearing impaired, and then I learn that Modest Mouse is on this year's HFStival line up. Huh?



Saturday, April 17, 2004


In preparation for the March for Women's Lives that I will attend on April 25, I've been looking for Pro-Choice slogans to put on a t-shirt. Here's what I've found so far:

* If you can’t trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?
* How can you be pro-life and pro-war?
* If only closed minds came with closed mouths
* Just say no to sex with pro-lifers
* Use Condom Sense
* U.S. Out Of My Uterus
* Condoms are easier to change than diapers
* Be a voice for choice, every child a wanted child
* A world of wanted children would make a difference
* Against abortion? Don't have one
* Against abortion? Have a vasectomy

Anyone have any suggestions or like a particular slogan?



Thursday, April 15, 2004

The Mind and Body Project

Work has gotten stressful, I'm not sure what I'm doing with my life, and I need to focus on something. I'm not in the mood to look for another job or look into furthering my education; nor am I in the mood to start a new hobby or find a boyfriend or start a rock band. So, what should I focus on? In the past, I've turned to my body and that's just what I'm going to do now. I'm starting my own mind and body project. I'm going to work out four times a week and meditate for a short time each day. This project will begin next Monday, April 19. Do you think I can do it? I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.



Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Recuerdo Perdido (Lost Memory)

la mujer que cambió tu vida mas no era buena para tí
(the woman that changed your life the most wasn't good for you)

~from "Recuerdo Perdido" by Julieta Venegas


Sunday, April 11, 2004

Joyful girl

They're back!!! Yay! I don't think I did anything but my old comments have magically returned. Why are my old comments so important to me? Well, because back in the old days people actually used to comment on my blog. These days visitors just read and leave. So sad. Maybe someday the writers will return and "Where is my mind?" will become what it once was. I can dream can't I?


Hipster Cowgirls, where have you gone?

Hipster Cowgirls has become Wealthy Industrialist's Quarterly. Why? Why? Why? Change it back!


Julio or Julieta?

If you look at my current listening section on the right, you will see that both Mars Volta and Julieta Venegas have made the list.

Why am I mentioning this?

Because I noticed something strange the other day. The above cds are the only jewel cases I have in my car (The other car cds are in a Caselogic case, if you care.). I was looking at the liner notes for Mars Volta on my lunch break and learned that the album is inspired by the life and times of Julio Venegas. How weird is that?


Saturday, April 10, 2004

Save me!

It was like the Nothing had swept through my blog! There were no comments on old posts. What had happened?!?! After much searching on the Haloscan website, I learned that with a standard account visitors to my blog can only see comments from the most recent months. In order to return all the precious comments to their rightful homes, I have upgraded to a premium account. Additionally, I have added a trackback mechanism. I'm not really sure how to use this yet, but I encourage any of you who do to try it out.


Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Say it ain't so

As seen on the quarterwit:


Current away message on my 10-year-old brother's AIM

i am at a sadyer

(That's true. He is. I came home early.)


Sunday, April 04, 2004

Movie madness!!!!

Finally, I'm going to review the movies I've seen in the past month or so. Beginning with the most recently seen one and working backwards, here goes:

1. About Adam is an entertaining film about a fellow called Adam, played by Stuart Townsend, and his "relationship" with his girlfriend's family. I borrowed About Adam from the library so, having paid nothing for it, I wasn't disappointed. If you want to hear Kate Hudson attempting an Irish accent, this is the movie for you.

2. The Princess and the Warrior (aka Der Krieger und die Kaiserin) reunites Run Lola Run's director, Tom Tykwer, and lead actress, Franka Potente. Though not as good as Run Lola Run, the film is haunting and contains some achingly beautiful scenes. I always enjoy watching Franka Potente and I found Benno Fuhrmann's character captivating.

3. Nine Queens (aka Nueve Reinas) is like The Italian Job or a David Mamet movie only everyone is speaking Spanish. I was a little tired when I saw this one so I missed some of the plot. Overall an enjoyable movie but it didn't blow my mind with its brilliance or have me on the edge of my seat with its suspense.

4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is the latest movie from writer Charlie Kaufman. This film is better than Adaptation but not as good as Being John Malkovich. Jim Carrey, who I usually find incredibly annoying, and Kate Winslet are excellent. The cast also includes a very creepy Elijah Wood, a very cute Mark Ruffalo, a bubbly-as-usual Kirsten Dunst, and an American-accented Tom Wilkinson.

5. I really enjoyed Igby Goes Down, the story of an extremely rich and troubled seventeen-year-old boy. The cast alone, which includes Kieran Culkin, Claire Danes, Jeff Goldblum, Ryan Phillippe, Amanda Peet, Susan Sarandon, and Bill Pullman, should be enough to convince you to watch this movie.

6. Solas is a slice-of-life Spanish movie. If you like foreign movies where everyone talks a lot but not much happens, this one's for you. Enjoyable but forgettable.

7. Seabiscuit was everything I expected to be. It made me cry and it made me lose myself in the story. Definitely worth watching and I don't even like horses.

8. L'Auberge Espagnole is about a group of young foreigners living together in a Spanish apartment. An excellent film that made me want to live abroad again. I'm getting nostalgic just writing this.

9. In America transported me into the life of an Irish family and introduced me to Djimon Hounsou, who will be included in my next "Sexiest Men Alive" list. This movie is wonderful and incredibly sad. Make sure you have a lot of tissues on hand.

10. The Station Agent tells the story of three people who befriend each other after moving to a small town in New Jersey. The movie is well done in a very understated way. It's definitely one of the best indie movies of 2003.

And that concludes my movie reviews. I think I remembered everything I've seen lately. Feel free to comment or ask for more info about any of them. Since I'm a movie junkie, suggestions for future viewings are encouraged.



Are you a U.S. citizen?

If yes, I hope you plan to vote in November. Not sure how to register or change your voting information? Lucky you, I've found a website that makes registering and re-registering relatively easy. Just go to Your Vote Matters and follow the instructions.


Saturday, April 03, 2004


Oh! I do have one thing to say. Happy birthday to the quarterwit. Yesterday she turned twenty-five and I wish her well. I will be following suit in 17 days. Psychologically speaking, I wonder what I'm supposed to have achieved by twenty-five. Whatever it is, I'm sure I haven't achieved it. At least I've got 'til I'm thirty to find a mate.



I haven't blogged since Monday so I feel like I should say something. On Monday I was pretty prolific but today I've got nothing. I keep thinking I'll write about the movies I've seen recently but that seems like too much work. Maybe I'll do that later. Anybody else got something to say?
