Sunday, May 08, 2005

My new obsessions

My office-mate, Melissa, lent me the first season of 24 and I am completely addicted. If I had my way, I would watch all 24 episodes in a row without leaving the house for anything. I'm so out of control that I seriously considered skipping two Friday night parties to stay in and watch more of 24.

Lucky for me and all of those around me, I started watching the show with David and left all of the DVDs at his house. I harrass David on a daily basis to watch the show. We're already on the fourteenth or fifteenth episode and we've only been watching for a week. At this rate we'll be done by the end of next week and then I'll be able to return to my regularly scheduled life.

My other new obsession is Kingdom of Loathing, this crazy online roleplaying game that Lynn got me into (That's me in the picture above.). I was never a Dungeons & Dragons type of girl but Kingdom of Loathing is awesome. It's witty and requires thought and it's just so addictive. Play it and you'll understand. Just don't come complaining to me when you can't fight the urge to hit the site up everyday. Luckily the game only allows for so many turns in a day or I'd never leave the house.
