Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Bill Maher was right

In Details magazine earlier this year, Bill Maher wrote an excellent article about the true destructive power of media. He wrote,

    Many times over the years on "Politically Incorrect" I argued that it was the romance in films, not the violence, that had the more deleterious effect on society. Only a few borderline nuts let screen violence lead them to actual disastrous decisions, but how many women, to some degree, measure reality against the romantic treacle that's everywhere in story and song?

Very rarely does an article make me think as much as that Bill Maher article. I've read it multiple times and I often recommend it to friends because I think he's right. All of the romance I've been exposing myself to, from the final season of Dawson's Creek to Fabolous' song "Into You", is driving me crazy! It's unrealistic, for the most part, and only makes me sad. Damn pop culture and its deleterious effect on me!
