Tuesday, October 21, 2003

This is what happens when I read the Shambhala Sun

Other people read the Shambhala Sun for the articles, I read it for the advertisements. Look what I found [all commentary on the websites below is by me though the actual websites were found in the Shambhala Sun]:

*Are you looking for nice cotton t-shirts made in a sweatshop free environment? Why don't you check out KNOTS.

*If you don't care where your t-shirts are made and are into all things Eastern, try T-Shirt Planet. This site carries more than just clothes and has Eastern-related items for your whole home!

*Dying to own a Free Tibet shirt? DharmaShop is the place for you.

*If you're spiritual and into gardening, then Four Gates is your best bet.

And that's it for today's installment of how to capitalize on spirituality. For all of you who took this seriously, I'm joking. For all of you who are offended, please don't be. I am poking fun at myself just as much as at anybody else. I own at least a dozen items adorned with Eastern symbols. I am merely pointing out that practitioners of certain Eastern religions, such as Tibetan Buddhism, are supposed to work towards eliminating their materialism. What's that cliche again? Oh yeah. Easier said than done.
