Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Hi, saw your profile, we are sorta local, wanna chat? :o)*

Hello, how are you? My names Bob**…are you still
single or are you currently dating/seeing/talking
to someone now? What are you looking for right
now, the long-term committed relationship deal or
just the short-term fun? A bit about me…I'm a
23/m/MD-Mont Co. in Potomac/Rockville on the VA
border…5'9 and 1/2" and 135-140lbs slim/slender…
paralegal full-time in Bethesda MD…my profile
name is Bob007 on Match, Friendster, or
FaceTheJury.com and you can also see tons of
somewhat dated pics of me on my old college
webpage at http://oldcollege.com I am
online on AOL aim most of the day as Bob007
and would love to chat with yah…you can also
reach me by e-mail at bob007@hotmail.com Well I
guess thats it, hopefully I’ll be ttysoon xoxo
take care
Yours, Bob

* This is an actual message I received today on Friendster. How many girls do you think he sent this to? What was he thinking? Is this for real?

**All names and identifying information changed for obvious reasons.

