Friday, October 10, 2003

Mi vida loca

After work today I headed over to The Princeton Review to pick up some materials because I'm training to be an instructor there. When I arrived at the cubicle of my contact person, what did I see but a GUANAJUATO postcard! I asked her about it and it turns out that she had backpacked through there while studying in Cuernavaca. I informed her that I had lived in Guanajuato for ten months and was looking for a way to practice my Spanish here. So, we discussed getting a group together to speak Spanish and then somehow a book club came up. Wait a minute! I want to start a book club, too! I mentioned Nickel and Dimed and she freaked out because she's reading that book right now. And THEN we decided that maybe we could have a book club where we could speak Spanish... but quickly realized that wouldn't work with our limited vocabularies. What I'm basically saying is that in the course of 10 minutes this girl and I totally bonded and I hope she turns out to be as cool as I think she is right now.

Guanajuato (Photo by Christine Hall)
