Thursday, October 16, 2003


Have you ever developed a roll of film months after taking the pictures? If you're like me, you receive the photo packet from the lovely photo lady and, when you open the packet, are shocked at what you find. My favorite thought is, "I took this?!?... Oh yeah! Now I remember!"

As you might have guessed from the intro, today I picked up some pictures I took my last few weeks in Mexico. At first, I was excited because I had totally forgotten what/ who I had taken pictures of. Unfortunately, as I strolled down Memory Lane, I started to get melancholy. The pictures were of my roommate Laura, my friend Salvador, and mi chavo ("my boy," for lack of a better classification) Luis. These three people were among my best finds in Mexico... probably even among my best finds in life. We had a lot of fun and I learned so much from all of them. While I'm incredibly lucky to have met these three people, it saddens me that I have not seen any of them in over three months. We communicate through the computer and the phone, but it's not the same as personal interaction.

I think I've been introspective enough for today. I will leave you with these final thoughts: three is still the magic number (look at the above paragraph and you'll see what I'm talking about) and sometimes Gwen Stefani is a smart, smart cookie. Read on to see why.

Can you tell I'm faking it? But I want to be myself
A counterfeit disposition
Can't be good for my health
So many different faces
Depending on the different phases
My personality changes
I'm a chameleon
There's more than one dimension
I can fool you and attract attention
Camouflage my nature
Let me demonstrate...

The makeup's all off
Who am I?
If the magic's in the make up
Then who am I?
Magic's in the makeup
But I want to be the real thing
But the magic's in the makeup
And I want to be the real thing
