Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Real Women Have Curves

I'm a big fan of "slice-of-life" movies where nothing much happens. You know what I'm talking about, right? These movies have no murders, no vampires, no robberies, no gratuitous sex. They allow audiences to spend an hour or two in someone else's fictitious, real life. Real Women Have Curves is an excellent addition to the "slice-of-life" genre and I only wish I had been able to support it during its theater run.

An indie film that won several awards at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival, Real Women is about an 18-year-old Mexican-American girl and her family. What makes this movie so great is its characters. They are well-drawn and realistic. The actors and actresses are not movie star skinny or movie star beautiful, and they don't speak English all of the time just because the movie was made in the US (Note to non-Spanish speaking DVD users: The subtitle menu is your friend.). I've never seen a movie quite like Real Women and I applaud it for portraying women in a healthy way. All women, especially the younger ones, should see this movie. I give it two thumbs up!

My regular readers know that I have had incredible luck with movies recently. Of course, now that I've written about my luck, it will probably end. I'll keep you posted.

