Friday, August 13, 2004

And I thought I knew a lot about music.

Today someone got to my blog from The Covers Project. Always the curious one, I went to see what this Covers Project was all about. Here's what the homepage says:

"Welcome to The Covers Project. We're building a database of cover songs (songs performed by an artist other than the original performer) with the intention of creating cover "chains." A cover chain is a set of songs in which each song is a cover of a song by the band who covered the preceding song."

For all of you who like music, this is definitely worth a visit. For all of you who think you know about music and want to be humbled, check out the longest chain. I read the entire chain and only knew about half the artists. I faired far worse when it came to song recognition.

Elise feeling ashamed of
her lack of musical knowledge

I never realized how many songs had been covered. Once in college, a guy made me a covers mix tape that was great. I thought he had done some serious work to scrounge together so many covers. If only I had known then how easy it really was.
