Tuesday, July 27, 2004

You like to watch?

As previously mentioned, NYC rocks my socks off... although, since it's summer I haven't really been wearing socks, but you know what I mean.

I had a lovely weekend visiting my Nana and my friends and I really wish I wasn't back in DC.  I suppose all good things must come to an end.

Highlights of the weekend:
1) Seeing my bestest NYC friends Lynn and Prince after more than 6 months.  I love you guys!

2) Having the best encounter I've had with Henry, boyfriend number 1, since we stopped seeing each other.  Henry, as Prince says, your hair is at an optimal length.  Don't cut it!

3) Going to the Remote Lounge. I'm an exhibitionist and I certainly love gadgets so this was the perfect place for me. Cameras and monitors everywhere and hip hop to dance to... mmmmmm. And then when Prince showed up with an interesting Italian who resembled Luis, the Guanajuato boyfriend, I was in heaven.

4) Getting a mismatched bikini for $3.98 plus tax at Old Navy. Sure the bottoms are a bit too patriotic, but, for $1.99, I couldn't resist!
