Monday, February 28, 2005

Too much information

Today I thought I was going to come home early from work due to the snow and the eleven-year-old, so I neglected to bring enough food with me. Currently, I am ravenous. As I munch on leftover barley, spinach, and portobellos, I've decided to write about food. My favorite foods. Yummmm.

Favorite cheeses: mild cheddar (Brand is unimportant and I'm completely content with reduced fat cheddar) and Philadelphia cream cheese (Brand is VERY important and so is fat content. Cream cheese just doesn't taste right without all the fat.)

Favorite cereal: Good Friends Kashi (Full of fiber-y goodness and, man, is it tasty. Yummmmm.)

Favorite salsa: Pace Mild Picante Sauce (I get a lot of crap for this one. When I lived in Mexico, I used to ask friends to bring me Pace when they visited from the States.)

Favorite frozen food: almost anything by Amy's; currently I'm loving their line of pockets... pizza pockets, roasted vegetable pockets, tofu scramble pockets, etc. (Since I hardly ever cook, this is a very important section.)

Favorite drink: water (I guess my parents raised me right.)

Favorite fruit: This is a tough one. Because I'm lazy, I like how easy bananas are to eat. Clementines sure are good though... And when strawberries are sweet and fresh they taste soooo good.

Apparently, I'm still hungry so I'm going to stop writing and go get more food. Besides, did you really want to know all this?

I thought not.

(3.6.05 Note: My grandmother reminded me that I forgot a very important fruit. I LOVE pineapple. Mind you, I'm too lazy to prepare it, but I do love to eat it when other people have done the dirty work.)
