Thursday, August 25, 2005

Keeping up with the Joneses, Blogger style

Laura has finally started up her site again. Not only has she resumed writing, but she's also made improvements to her blog. There's a nice new layout, there are more graphics, and there's even a way for visitors to email posts they like to their friends. Layout, graphics... those are unimportant to me, but that last one got me.

Now, I know Laura. I know that she has almost no knowledge of HTML and coding, and that all she did was use a Blogger template and change her settings. Still, I was jealous of her new feature. Trouble is, I have made so many modifications to my site that there was no way I was going to select one of Blogger's templates just so that I could give visitors the option to email my posts. I scrutinized Laura's code, I ran searches through Blogger's database, and I fiddled with my code a lot. Well, I've finally done it! You can now email my posts to anyone you like. Sadly, it took me several hours and the changes I needed to make to my code were ridiculously minute. Oh well. Hopefully, I learned something.
