Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 31: Travel day!


I'm getting back on track. Day 31 was a travel day. I started at 4:30 am from Supriya's house. My flight left Delhi 8 am (Thank god for that. I was definitely ready to leave.) and arrived in Singapore around 4 pm. The whole trip was about 5.5 hours and was very pleasant thanks to Singapore Airlines. The Singapore airport is also incredibly pleasant. There's free Internet, a free movie theater that shows the Starz channel (I watched Drumline for the third time and it was great), outside gardens, inside nature escapes with real ponds containing real fish, art activities, and perfectionistic traveler assistants.

In my weakened and tired state, I misread my departure time for the next flight and almost missed it. I thought we were boarding around 10 pm when it was actually 8! Luckily I made it, switched seats with someone to get an aisle seat and then got tips on New Zealand from the local sitting next to me. Sadly, I didn't sleep much even though it was a 9 hour flight. I still wasn't feeling so hot and was constantly burping (yes, burping... I hope it didn't smell too bad!).

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