Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I'm the man... or at least I was

When I got off work today, it was so beautiful that I didn't want to go straight home. Whenever it's nice out, I feel like I should do something outdoors, but I'm always at a loss for what that might be. I'm good at walking in cities when it's nice, but me and nature don't mix so well. Luckily, I have a car. I LOVE to drive out into the country when there's a beautiful day. There's a buddhist park 30 minutes from my house so I started heading there. Just as I was at the turn to either go towards home or the buddhist park, I realized I probably shouldn't be walking alone in the woods in the middle of the country. I grabbed my trusty cell phone and called my gay friend Kevin (Before any of you get all politically correct on me, it is okay for me to call him this because he has told me to refer to him in this way whenever he is mentioned in conversation.). Kevin was home and reading and thought that a drive in nature was the perfect late afternoon activity. We had a lovely drive, but all craziness and silliness came out the second we got on the park's grounds.

I am supposed to call Kevin "my gay friend Kevin" because he is a pretty manly gay man. At least, I thought so until today. As Kevin said on our escapade, "The little girl in me is coming out." The park was a little more overgrown than we had expected; I was in my work clothes, complete with open-toed shoes, and he was in flip flops and shorts. Once we got into the park, I took the lead and Kevin refused to switch with me. I was in charge of taking down the spider webs, using my face at first until I wisened up and grabbed a stick. To any outsiders the sight of us must have been hilarious. Me waving a stick up and down singing the Indiana Jones theme song and Kevin doing the air doggy paddle to get rid of any webs I missed. Both of us were laughing hysterically in between Kevin's squeamish yelps. It was definitely an evening neither of us will forget for a while. Once we were back in the car, Kevin exclaimed, "That was so much fun! We have to do that again!" Anyone care to join us next time?

(10.15.04 Update: Silly, gullible me. It turns out that all of that "my gay friend Kevin" stuff was a joke. Oops.)
