Do good!

Let the philanthropy posts continue! There is a new search engine ( that is powered by Yahoo! and allows you to do good while searching the web. Here's what the site's "About" section has to say:
GoodSearch is an Internet search engine with a simple concept and unique social mission. GoodSearch enables you to help fund any of hundreds of thousands of charities or schools through the simple act of searching the Internet.
The company was founded by a brother and sister team who lost their mom to cancer and wanted to find an easy way for people to support their favorite causes.
It's simple. You use like any other search engine (we've partnered with the leading search engine to ensure the best results), but each time you do, money is generated for your favorite cause.
Last year search engines generated close to $4 billion in revenue from advertisers. Think about what your favorite cause could do with even a fraction of that money!
The company's goal is to direct as much money to the organizations as possible, so we’re not spending a lot on advertising. That’s why we need your help in spreading the word!
We hope that not only will you use GoodSearch as your main search engine from here on out, but will also pass this message on to your friends and family. The more people who use this site, the more money will go to your favorite cause.
So ...
* Find a cure
* Support your school
* Provide disaster relief
* Protect our environment
Search and Support today ... GoodSearch!
GoodSearch was brought to my attention by Laura, who turns me on to a lot of good stuff. Thanks, Laura.