Saturday, November 26, 2005

Socially acceptable?

I have been carrying around a pair of earplugs for years now. I keep them on hand just in case a friend drags me to a concert or I end up in a movie theater with ridiculously loud sound. A few years ago, I used to worry that strangers would see me with my earplugs and think I was uncool, so I would cover my ears by wearing my hair down. These days, I couldn't care less if someone thinks my earplugs are uncool. I hate it when sound is painfully loud and I really hate it when my ears ring for hours after hearing loud music. Who is willing to put up with that? Well, it seems that there are other people who agree with me.

At concerts, I see more people wearing them. Last month, I went to a houseparty with two bands. I was standing in the front row and enjoying the first band with my earplugs in place. I turned to face the people around me, and I noticed an acquaintance fixing the hair around his ears as he looked back at me. He was wearing earplugs and so was the guy next to him!

The first time I saw other people wearing earplugs at movies was yesterday at Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (This week I was lucky enough to catch two movies: Walk the Line and Harry Potter, which were both highly enjoyable except for the sound. I saw the movies at different theaters and still had to use my earplugs.) At Harry Potter, the man in front of me whipped a box out of his bag and yelled to his companions, who were dispersed in several rows, "Who wants earplugs?" His young son raised his hand high into the air and yelled back, "Oh! Me, me, me!"

Yay for earplugs! Wear them and I promise you will enjoy shows and movies more. I highly recommend Mack's Pillow Soft silicone earplugs. If you're still not convinced, read this Q&A from the Mack's FAQ page:
1. Can I carry on a conversation while wearing earplugs?

Yes. Earplugs are designed to bring noise levels down to a safer, more comfortable level. Most people without damaged hearing have no problem carrying on a conversation while wearing earplugs. Often, in noisy/loud environments, earplug wearers discover that the earplugs seem to "filter" out the background noise, actually making conversation and music clearer and easier to understand.

