Thursday, December 01, 2005

Damn, that's good music

Last night, I discovered The Chemical Brothers' "Hold Tight London" while I was driving home. I imagine that the song has been on my iPod for many months, but I had never heard it before yesterday. After the six-minute song played through once, I hit the back button and listened to it again. I couldn't get enough of it so I hit the back button five times (For those of you who can't multiply, I was in the car for 30 minutes).

Hold Tight London is my new favorite song. In fact, I'm listening to it right now. What makes it so great? Ethereal female vocals and instruments coupled with great beats that change at the perfect times. It's great music for relaxing, driving, or smiling. It's one of those songs I can imagine playing at a pivotal moment in a movie. If I don't hear this in theaters, or even on tv, soon I'm going to have to switch careers and become a music director (or whatever those people are called).

Damn, this song is good. Check it out. If you don't believe me, GoodSearch the song and you will see plenty of other rave reviews.

