Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Elise on men

Here I am in Mexico waiting for Lynn to come back from lunch so we can chat some more. I'm using my time wisely by cleaning out my Hotmail inbox. Right before I moved to Mexico in September of 2002 I was e-mailing some guy I met through Spring Street Network. He asked me if i was going to hook up with men the second I got to Mexico. Here's an edited version of what I wrote:

From: Elise
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 1:14 PM
To: Eric
Subject: On dating...


...As for me 'hooking up as soon as [I] get to Mexico,' are you asking if I'm going to find me some men immediately? The answer is no. First off, that's not what I do; I'm not a woman on the prowl. Second, I'm not trying to add to the stereotype that American women are easy.

I'm not pressed at all and rarely feel the need to have a guy in my life. Sure, I want one but I want the right one. At the end of Say Anything, Ione Skye tells John Cusack that she needs him. Cusack responds, "Tell me something... Do you just need someone or do you need me?" I don't want someone to be seeing me just because he has a fear of being alone and I don't want to be seeing someone just so that I can say that I'm seeing someone. It seems like a waste of time to me. I'm not a serial dater. I'm patiently meeting people and waiting until someone interests me...

