Day 33 aka Day 5 of blahness

So I am still not feeling right. I woke up with another calf spasm that really freaked me out. Again, I thank my stepmom for making me get that cell phone. From my bed, I called my emergency out-of-country care provider. They were concerned that I may have some blood clotting due to the sickness and the flying so I went to emergency care. Turns out the Emergen-C I was using as electrolyte replacement has no electrolytes. Ack! Since then I've had three Powerades; I've now had a lifetime's supply of sugar and am, hopefully, no longer dehydrated. I am, however, extremely bloated. I think I'm having 5000 tapeworm babies and I want them out NOW. Tomorrow, maybe? Please, body... can you do that?
And now for some good things:
- Auckland kind of sucks. I know that sounds like a bad thing but it's a good thing. I've had to relax the last two days and I don't think I missed much.
- Kiwis are soooo nice. That's the best part of Auckland. I cannot believe how nice people are here. Today I was on the bus and people leaving through the back door yell out "Bye driver" and then the driver waves. That's how nice people are here. The niceness seems to be contagious because even the non-Kiwis are nice.
- I drove on the left side of the road today! It's crazy driving on the left. I'm not totally sure how big my rental car is and I keep worrying that I'm going to hit someone on my left side. As I drive, I chant, "Left side, left side, left side." I also amuse myself by grabbing for the seatbelt on the left side and then touching nothing but air. Crazy, I tell you, crazy!
- I have a tv. My tv is very comforting and keeps me company. Since I have to lie in bed so much it is niiiiice.
- I have amazing friends and family. If I couldn't talk to you all on the computer the way I'm doing, I think I would have lost it completely these past 5 days. Thanks guys!
Labels: Around the world, travel