Elevator etiquette

Every work day, I use the elevator in my parking garage. I've learned that men are supposed to let women enter and exit the elevator first. Oddly enough, I've started to judge men based on whether or not they follow this basic rule. When a man lets me enter or exit first, I think to myself, "Well, isn't that nice." When a man shows no regard for elevator etiquette, I send bad vibes his way. I don't think I'm the only one who does this, either. I feel like when a man does not follow this rule, other men and women in the elevator are giving the bad man disparaging looks, too. Maybe we've all been spending too much time in elevators or maybe some people need to read up on their elevator etiquette. You be the judge.
In other parking garage news, the gate to the manlift was wide open the other day, but I repressed the urge to break the law and go for a ride. Aren't you proud of me, grandma?